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Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal


Quick Stats

Director: Lal Jose 
Actor: Dileep  Rima Kallingal  Murali Gopy 
Release Date: 18/12/2013
Length: 160 Minutes
Music : Prashant Pillai

Aby is an ad-film maker. After a failed romance, he has remained a bachelor. His family has been on the lookout for suitable girls for sometime now and finally he agrees to tie the knot. Seven days before the wedding, he hosts a bachelor party. The events that follow are what the film is about.


Above Average


Below Average


CineSpider Score
(Score out of 10)

Users Score
(From 3 Users)

CineSpider Meter Details

Average Rating from Critics: 4.8 /10
Total Critics Reviews Counted: 20

Good: 0
Above Average: 5
Average: 11
Below Average: 4
Poor: 0


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Contributors to the Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal Movie Review


Mollywood Frames


Altogether movie impart the story that intercept between, therefore we gave this movie a rating of one time watch.......



' ക്ലാസ്‌മേറ്റ്‌സിന്റെ' അണിയറക്കാരായ ലാല്‍ജോസും-ജെയിംസ് ആല്‍ബര്‍ട്ടും ഒരുമിച്ചതുകൊണ്ട് എന്തെങ്കിലും സ്‌പെഷല്‍ കാഴ്ച പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചവര്‍ക്കെല്ലാം നിരാശ സമ്മാനിക്കുന്ന ഓര്‍ഡിനറി രാത്രികളാണ് ഇവ.




On the whole, Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal is a good attempt that could have been better with a tighter screenplay.

Cine Shore


High on hype, low on substance.




Ezhu Sundara Raathrikal will bring lots of laughter and is able to create a festival mood And when you walk out of the theatres, you realize why Dileep is called the Janapriya Nayakan



The movie is quite close to the all time hit of the duo – Meesha Madhavan and Chanthupottu, yet it may be a film that may not impress every movie goer.




സുന്ദര രാത്രികളിലെ ഇരുട്ട്



Seems like Lal Jose is making really bad choices these days, as regards the script...


Lensmen Movie Review Center


A huge sigh of disappointment is the end result of Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal. Too many characters and too many distractions for a really silly issue.


If this is a product expected from the team that made 'Classmates' seven years ago, my answer is a spontaneous 'No' says Subhash Sabu


Like in the previous times, a flick aimed at thrilling the family’s vacation is what ‘Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal’ has aimed at the most. You could conclude that they have succeeded in this to an extent. But, don’t expect anything stunning from this one.

Times of India


The film leaves links inter-connecting all those involved in it. The result is a narrative that goes slightly out of control after the initial good-natured humour which Dileep brings to the table.




Lal Jose seems to have lost his chemistry of making worthy films whenever he is in company with his favourite star Dileep  with whom he has made big hits like 'Chandhupottu' and 'Meesa Madhavan'. 



The ability of Lal Jose to bring in the crowds is well known and in this festival season the popular star Dileep may very well be able to continue his winning streak. 'Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal' flirts with beauty on many occasions but finally ends up a tad short of being very good.




Losing out around midway, and never quite recovering after that, Lal Jose's 'Ezhu Sundara Ratrikal' fails to generate any sensitivity beyond the baffling squabbles that are playing out on the screen. It's this prevailing bleakness that drags the film down, despite having a gifted director and an impressive cast at its helm. 

Oneindia Malayalam


There are some scenes where you can see the typical Lal Jose touch in the movie. But whether the director have fully succeeded to satisfy the viewers, it's a no. Still, Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal  is a feel good movie which has its moments here and there.




ഏഴ് ( അ)സുന്ദര രാത്രികള്‍

Manorama Online


ÜÞW ç¼ÞØí ê ÆßÜàÉí µâGáæµGßW ÈßKá ÉßùK Îxí ºßdÄB{ßW ÈßKᢠÄàVJᢠÕcÄcØíÄÎÞÏ d¿àxíæÎaßW ²øáAßÏßøßAáK ØßÈßÎÏÞÃí ¯Ýá Øáwø øÞdÄßµZ. ÎáXÕßÇßµç{Þæ¿ µÞÃÞX çÉÞÏßæˆCßW ¦ØbÆßAÞX ÉxáK ²øá Ȉ ºßdÄ¢.





Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal may have been an attempt to look at the fickleness of relationships in today’s times in a humourous way but it does not have the desired effect, writes Paresh C Palicha.




The issues faced by a man, just seven days before his marriage and all the tensions that follow when his exgirlfriend also get into this mess is the storyline here.



Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal Movie Review From Top Critics



The issues faced by a man, just seven days before his marriage and all the tensions that follow when his exgirlfriend also get into this mess is the storyline here.




Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal may have been an attempt to look at the fickleness of relationships in today’s times in a humourous way but it does not have the desired effect, writes Paresh C Palicha.



Manorama Online


ÜÞW ç¼ÞØí ê ÆßÜàÉí µâGáæµGßW ÈßKá ÉßùK Îxí ºßdÄB{ßW ÈßKᢠÄàVJᢠÕcÄcØíÄÎÞÏ d¿àxíæÎaßW ²øáAßÏßøßAáK ØßÈßÎÏÞÃí ¯Ýá Øáwø øÞdÄßµZ. ÎáXÕßÇßµç{Þæ¿ µÞÃÞX çÉÞÏßæˆCßW ¦ØbÆßAÞX ÉxáK ²øá Ȉ ºßdÄ¢.




ഏഴ് ( അ)സുന്ദര രാത്രികള്‍


Times of India


The film leaves links inter-connecting all those involved in it. The result is a narrative that goes slightly out of control after the initial good-natured humour which Dileep brings to the table.

Lensmen Movie Review Center


A huge sigh of disappointment is the end result of Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal. Too many characters and too many distractions for a really silly issue. 




സുന്ദര രാത്രികളിലെ ഇരുട്ട്



' ക്ലാസ്‌മേറ്റ്‌സിന്റെ' അണിയറക്കാരായ ലാല്‍ജോസും-ജെയിംസ് ആല്‍ബര്‍ട്ടും ഒരുമിച്ചതുകൊണ്ട് എന്തെങ്കിലും സ്‌പെഷല്‍ കാഴ്ച പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചവര്‍ക്കെല്ലാം നിരാശ സമ്മാനിക്കുന്ന ഓര്‍ഡിനറി രാത്രികളാണ് ഇവ.


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